5 Ways To Prepare Before You Upgrade Your Operating System

Many are lured in by the appeal of new operating system. Everything is faster, safer, newer. What many people fail to realize though, is that moving to a new operating system can be tricky; especially if it’s for a work computer.

Whether it’s a new version of Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux you need to think before you switch. You take for granted what you are capable of doing with your current operating system because you’ve been using it for years. When you switch to a new OS, you have to unlearn shortcuts and steps (especially if you’re switching between Windows and OSX) and adapt to new processes.

Before you make the switch, you should make sure:

1. You have the time and motivation to learn the new system
2. Your important programs will carry over and be compatible
3. You know what programs you will need to replace or buy a new copy of
4. You backup your old computer, whether you are upgrading it or replacing it
5. You know where all your important files are on the new OS before you need them

What has been your experience switching to a new OS?  Visit our blog page to comment on this article.