When something goes wrong with your computer, the first question you’re going to ask yourself is, “Is this worth fixing?” Is it worth fixing, or would it be better to buy a new machine? Is it worth fixing, or should it just be put up with? The lines between each of these decisions are blurry, and circumstances are usually what help you decide.
Example #1: The computer is running slowly.
When it’s worth fixing: When the slowness is due to dust clogging, too many programs installed/running, not enough memory, and malware. All of these issues can be resolved for a low cost, or even for free if you are able to take care of them yourself.
When it’s not worth fixing: When the slowness is due to the age of the computer. While you can upgrade the hardware, the software, and the OS, eventually you run the risk of spending more for upgrades than you would for a new PC.
Example #2: A part is broken (eg., the screen, the keyboard)
When it’s worth fixing: When the part can be found for sale at a reasonable price.
When it’s not worth fixing: When the part is for an old computer (especially an old Mac). Older computer parts are often no longer manufactured and thus are only available used from third party sources. They can be hard to come by and expensive (motherboards, especially).
Example #3: Software problems (eg., not booting, not installing, viruses)
When it’s worth fixing: Almost always. There are tons of scans out there that can remove a majority of viruses and junk programs. Even the worst problems can be solved by re-installing the operating system and re-installing all your software, etc.
When it’s not worth fixing: When you need to re-install Windows OS and don’t have the install CDs/product keys, because you will have to buy a new copy of the OS. In addition, if your computer programs are old, they will need to be upgraded to work on that new OS (which means, more money to spend).
In general, the worth of fixing the computer is dependent on the age of the computer: the newer it is, the harder you should try to fix it instead of buying a new one. If, however, you’re still not sure what to do about your computer problem, it never hurts to give a trusted tech support guy a call and ask for a second opinion!