Make Sure Your Data is Backed Up Safely

Your computer is an important part of your regular life. It helps you with work, with play, and with keeping in touch with those important to you. You keep all your precious pictures on it, records of purchases and donations, documents and music on it. Imagine now, that one day, you wake to find that that was all gone.

Do you have any way to retrieve those files? Are they somewhere in the cloud? Or stored on an external disk? Or are they gone forever? If you fall into that last category, it’s time you set up some way to back up your files. You never know when something might happen to your hard drive.

If you are backing up, on the cloud or an external disk, do you know that your backup process is working properly? It’s one thing to know that you’re backing up; another to know that what you’re backing up will be usable should the need arise.

We had a customer not too long ago who lost their data to hard drive failure. It should have been simple enough to restore from one of their two backup drives, but it wasn’t. It turned into a multi-day project because their backup data was corrupted. Turns out, they weren’t backing their files up correctly, and it ended up costing them a lot of their work records.

Fortunately, they were eventually able to get most of their files back from the other drive, but the fear remained with them. If you’re not checking your backups, you may one day end up in the same situation as them, and you may not be so lucky.

If you’re not sure if your backups are working properly (or if you don’t have a backup process in place to begin with), don’t hesitate to give us a call or contact us via our website!

Also be sure to check out our blog to comment on this article and share your experiences with us, regarding backups or anything else!