Monthly Archives: April 2015

Computer Terminology – Clarified!

Who here has ever found computer terms to be confusing? Let’s have a show of hands. Do you get lost when someone starts talking about RAMs and CPUs and other gobbledygook?

Well, no more! Below is a list of seven of the most common confusing computer terms. 

  1. CPU. This acronym stands for Central Processing Unit. The CPU is like the brains of the computer. This is where programs are run.
  2. Hard drive. This is the device inside the computer that stores your data. Many computer problems stem from the hard drive going bad or becoming too full.
  3. RAM. Another common term is memory. This is what temporarily holds information from the hard drive to run programs. The more programs open at one time, the more RAM that is taken up. When there is not enough RAM available the computer runs programs more slowly. RAM is often confused for disk space. Disk space is the amount of permanent storage space available on the hard drive.
  4. Thumb drive. Also known as a jump drive ormemory stick. These are little portable storage devices that plug into a computer via a USB port and are handy for backing up files.
  5. Internet browser. This is the generic term for the program that allows you to access websites like and There are different browsers available from different companies, like Microsoft (Internet Explorer), Google (Chrome), and Mozilla (Firefox).
  6. Search engine. This is a specific type of website that helps you find things you are searching for. Some popular search engines areGoogleYahoo, and Bing. Sometimes these search engines are set as the home page of an internet browser, but they should not be confused as the name of the browser itself.
  7. Malware. Variations include spywarejunkware, and adware. These are tricky programs that worm their way into your computer through misleading ads or on the heels of programs you wanted to download. They can slow your computer down considerably and act as a conduit for viruses if not removed.

Are there other computer terms out there that confuse you? Tell us what they are, either by emailing us or leaving a comment on our blog!